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1. 王晓军教授应邀参加南非第29届国际精算大会


2. 袁卫、赵彦云教授出席日本同志社大学国际会议





2010年5月27日- 6月3日,中心主任金勇进教授随同学校领导赴欧洲瑞士、德国、瑞典国家数据中心做为期一周的交流访问。


2010年6月14-15日,中心副主任田茂再教授出席了南粤风采26选5开奖主办的第一届中韩统计理论及其应用国际研讨会(The First China-Korea Symposium on Modern Statistical Theory and Its Applications),并在会上做特邀报告,题目:Exponential Risk Bounds and Locally Adaptive Varying Bandwidth Selection for Conditional Quantile Regression。

同期15-16日,田茂再教授又出席了北京大学光华管理学院举办的“International Conference on Quantaties Methods in Business Applications”,会上作为特邀嘉宾发言,题目为:Saddle point approximation and volatility estimation of Value-at-Risk。




2.美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)心理系教授Eric Wu学术报告

2010年4月1日,邀请美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)心理系教授Eric Wu教授前来做学术报告,报告题目为:Practical Issues in Structural Equation Modeling。主要内容包括:

1)Facing your data

· Sample size

· Non-normal Distributed Data

· Missing Data

2)Hypotheses Testing and Modeling process

3) How to Improve Your Model

4) Discussions

Eric Wu,台湾成功大学毕业并在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)取得硕士学位。1983年加入UCLA心理系Peter Bentler教授的教研组,在美国联邦政府的资助下开始结构方程模型的研发工作。并和许多美国、欧洲、日本、香港的学者合作开发不同的方法。有时代替Bentler教授在他的博士班的课程里授课。Bentler教授和这个研究组发表的教研资料和方法被全球的学者广为引用,堪称是这个领域最具影响力的学者之一。1995年和Peter Bentler教授在洛杉矶成立Multivariate Software,Inc.,成为他的生意伙伴人公开发行EQS软件,受到许多学者欢迎并选用作为研究和教学的工具,目前全球有近30个国家的科研人员在使用这个软件。EQS是结构方程模型里最容易使用,具备最新的统计方法,尤其是在处理非正态分布和有缺失值资料最具盛名的软件。Eric负责从SEM有关的学术论文里挑选有用的理论,把这些功能加入EQS,并指导软件的设计和开发。现正带领开发团队,研发美国卫生部国家癌证中心委托的方便使用且理论基础坚实的项目反应理论(Item Response Theory, IRT)软件。


2010年4月6日,聘请台湾辅仁大学统计研究所陈瑞照教授做题为:A Research on Accuracy and Updating CSS Computation 的学术报告。

报告主要内容:本项研究的目的是提出一个计算精确(accuracy),且可做实时更新(updating)计算的CSP与CSS算法。过去所被发展出來的CSP与CSS 算法被分为one-pass与two-pass二大类,one-pass算法可做实时更新计算,但计算精确度却均不及two-pass算法,而计算精确度较高的two-pass算法却都无法做实时更新计算的缺点。本研究提出一个以连续差分(successive difference)为基础,乘上本研究所提出來的加权(weight)系数來计算CSP与CSS的计算方法,这个方法不需要计算平均数(mean),因此可以避免计算平均数所产生的误差。以这个新公式为基础,可以将CSP与CSS计算改写为可递归(recursive)又可实时更新(updating) 的演算式,而且对于连续输入资料(series data)的实时更新计算,只需在硬件中保留最后一笔资料即可,有节省硬件记忆空间的优点。本文先以StRD中的单变量统计量资料集与ANOVA资料集做实证比较,所得的结果均显示所提的算法之计算精确度至少会与现有计算最精确的corrected two-pass algorithm一样好。

4.Christian Rau博士学术讲座

2010年4月7日,邀请澳大利亚Monash 大学数学院的Christian Rau 博士做学术报告,报告题目为:Grain Distortions and Rotations in the Asymptotic Variance of Vacancy of the Boolean Model

摘要:We consider the asymptotic variance of vacancy (AVV) in the high-intensity small-grain Boolean model. Subjecting the grains to rotations or, more generally, linear distortions gives rise to a function which maps distortion distributions to the AVV of the corresponding Boolean model. We mainly study continuity properties of this function, where we use the 1-Wasserstein metric on distortion distributions. An important role in the formulation and derivation of our results is played by notions of symmetry commonly used in multivariate analysis and stochastic simulation, such as conjugation-invariance and group models.

5.德国Ostap Okhrin博士学术报告

2010年6月19日,中心邀请德国洪堡大学最年轻教授,数学奇才Ostap Okhrin 博士及其夫人Iryna Okhrin 博士来中心做学生报告。报告人工作单位:Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz Chair of Statistics C.A.S.E. Centre for Applied Statistics and Economics School of Economics and Business Administration Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

报告一:On the structure and estimation of hierarchical Archimedean copulas

Abstract:In this paper we provide a methodology for estimating multivariate distributions defined through hierarchical Archimedean copulas. In general the true structure of the hierarchy is unknown. We develop a computationally efficient technique for grouping the data. For this purpose we introduce a hierarchical estimation procedure of the parameters and provide their asymptotic analysis. We consider both parametric and nonparametric estimation of the marginal distributions. The simulation study shows the effectiveness of the grouping procedure in the sense of structure selection. The methodology turns out to be very useful in order to model the distribution of asset returns in practical applications.

报告二:Online Surveillance of Volatility Forecasting Models

Abstract:A valid statistical model is crucial for proper volatility forecasting. This paper suggests a sequential procedure for monitoring validity of the actual volatility model. A simple state space representation serves for reflecting dynamics of the actual volatility, whereas realized volatility or bipower variation measures refer to the observation equation. Monitoring the stochastic behavior of the resulting forecasting errors allows to decide whether the chosen representation remains correctly specified. A signal indicates that the assumed volatility model may be no more valid. Our approach is illustrated by an empirical study based on selected U.S. market stocks.


2010年6月23日,邀请英国布鲁内尔大学(Brunel University ) 数学科学院余克明教授来中心作题为:Bayesian variable selection in quantile regression的学术报告。

Abstract:Bayesian econometrics has been adopted widely in current econometrics research. Recent years, Bayesian quantile regression has attracted much attention in the literature. Like standard regression models, there is typically uncertainty in which of the many candidate predictors should be included in a quantile regression model. In order to identify important predictors and to build accurate predictive models, Bayesian methods for variable selection and model averaging are very useful. However, such methods are currently not available for quantile regression. This paper develops Bayesian methods for variable selection in quantile regression, with a simple and efficient stochastic search variable selection (SSVS) algorithm proposed for posterior computation. This approach can be used for moderately high-dimensional variable selection and can accommodate uncertainty in basis function selection in non-linear and additive quantile regression models. The methods are illustrated using simulated data and an application to the Boston housing data.