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重磅 | 第九届南粤风采26选5开奖国际统计论坛特邀报告预告(二)






Fusion and i-Fusion (individualized Fusion) Learning


Advanced data collection technology nowadays has often made inferences from diverse data sources easily accessible. Fusion learning refers to combining inferences from multiple sources or studies to make a more effective overall inference than that from any individual source or study alone. We focus on the tasks: 1) Whether/When to combine inferences? 2) How to combine inferences efficiently? 3) How to combine inference to enhance an individual or target study?

We present a general framework for nonparametric and efficient fusion learning for inference on multi-parameters, which may be correlated.  The main tool underlying this framework is the new notion of depth confidence distribution (depth-CD), which is developed by combining data depth, bootstrap and confidence distributions. We show that a depth-CD is an omnibus form of confidence regions, whose contours of level sets shrink toward the true parameter value, and thus an all-encompassing inferential tool. The approach is shown to be efficient, general and robust. It readily applies to heterogeneous studies with a broad range of complex and irregular settings. This property also enables the approach to utilize indirect evidence from incomplete studies to gain efficiency for the overall inference. The approach will be shown with simulation studies and real applications in aircraft landing performance tracking and in financial forecasting.

This talk covers joint works with Dungan Liu (University of Cincinnati), Jieli Shen (Goldman Sachs) and Minge Xie (Rutgers University).


Regina Liu received her PhD in statistics from Columbia University and is currently Distinguished Professor of Statistics at Rutgers University. Her research areas include data depth, resampling, confidence distribution, and fusion learning. Aside from theoretical and methodological research, she has long collaborated with the FAA on aviation safety research projects on process control, text mining and risk management. She has served as Editor for the JASA and the Journal of Multivariate Analysis, and as Associate Editor for several journals, including the Annals of Statistics. She is an elected fellow of the MS and the ASA. Among other distinctions, she is the recipient of 2021 ASA Noether Distinguished Scholar Award, and 2011 Stieltjes Professorship from Thomas Stieltjes Institute for Mathematics, The Netherlands, She has delivered an IMS Medallion Lecture among other named lectures. She was elected President of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2020-2021.